Montag, 23. April 2007

Everyday Life

Sometimes it can be hard to love in everyday life. People annoy you, you rediscover old fears, you face challenges and so on. In these situations, and in fact all the time, it is helpfull to remember that love is not something that can be turned off and on. All you can do is let go of identification with your body and ego. The place you fall back to is your sole, is simply love and acceptance. Anything you do with your mind and body coming from this place is filled with love and is simply PLAYING!
Don't try to run away from or resist your mind and body, simply let them go and be. See how that feels,
Have fun and be free,

Sonntag, 22. April 2007

Love flows from the soul

You are a soul. In fact, you are part of THE soul. There is a portal through which your soul can come into this world. This is your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest. Loving yourself, accepting yourself, and giving love to the world all open your heart chakra. The more it is open, the more you can identify with the soul. Feel it. Feel how there is this vast, infinite space inside of you. Actually, it is not in any specific place. Feel the soul shining through your heart into this world. Whenever you are feeling stressed, alone, overwhelmed or afraid, just know your soul can never be hurt. It is only your mind and body that can be hurt. Since you are incarnated through this body in this world honoring and taking care of your body is a wise thing to do. But ultimately, you are only soul. Feel it and feel the joy that comes from this knowledge! Feel the freedom erupt from your heart!

Samstag, 21. April 2007

I love you all!

Hey you! I love you. Why? Why not? Whats so bad about you? Dont you deserve love? I know I do, and I am pretty sure you do to.
Its not really about deserving anyway. Love is natural. What is hard is unlearning the habit of hating your own guts.
Your mind is propably objecting to this.
"I'm not great. I'm terrible. Remember that time I hurt so and so, or the time so and so hurt me? That was bad. Really bad. How can I ever love myself? It's absurd."
So your mind is obviously not the way to go in loving yourself. How about just feeling that statement: I love myself completely as I am!
How does that feel? Good? Great! Stick with it.

PS: If you want to learn about loving yourself and improving your love life (pun intended) go to
Nope, they ain't paying me money to say this, the guy and his GTP just reallly improved my life! Go there now for incredible joy, safety, congruence, clear thoughts and an incredible life!

Sonntag, 15. April 2007

The two big problems we face

In the life of every human being, all problems boil down to two things:
Validation and Happiness
Think about a big problem in your life. Some examples could be:
Too little money, no job, too few friends, jealousy, mobbing, too little food, health problems, a bad relationship and so on.
These common problems can be divided into validation problems and happiness problems. A lack of money, no job, health or food are all happiness problems. These are things that you want, because you believe they will satisfy your everyday needs like hunger, thirst, comfort, sleep, health and fun.
On the other hand, there are problems like a lack of friends, jealousy, mobbing and bad relationships. You long to resolve these things because you believe this will make you feel validated.
If someone has lots of friends, a good relationship with an attractive partner and is liked by his co-workers he is validated, i.e. he knows other people think he is a "good person" or a "successful person".
Of course, sometimes problems can fall into both categories. A job can make you happy by earning you money and it can also validate you. Family and friends respect you more if you have a job than if you don't.
The bad news is that seeking validation and happiness ultimately restricts your freedom.
The good news is both of these problems can be solved with relatively simple, but not at all easy methods.
These methods are giving to others and accepting yourself. Giving takes care of happiness and accepting yourself takes care of validation.
I will write more in depth posts about these two methods soon.
Till then,
Be free

Samstag, 14. April 2007

What a productive day!

My third post in one day! Wow! How willingly inspiration comes when serving others. Serving others. What a degrading idea! In our age of widespread individualism, "serving" has become a shunned word. Except, of course, if you are paid money for it.

"No pain no gain" is an idiom that tells us that we can only receive if we give first. And yet, so few of us focus on the giving, the most important part!
There are exceptions to this "receiving" focused mentality. One can be found right here, on this blog! Do you see those ads to the left? I earn money if you look at my site or click the links. And you only do that if I provide you with quality content that keeps you coming to this site!

At the time of writing, very few people have seen my blog. This is its first day after all! But still, I am driven to write inspirational articles for whoever might come by my site. I may never earn much money from this blog. But that doesn't matter since the giving is the fun part.

By coming from a place of abundance, nothing significant can ever be taken from you. Even if you give someone something, and never get anything back, this does not matter as the giving was the point. It was, so to speak, its own reward.
Some of you may know about conscious creation. Some of you may even have attempted to bring something into their lives using this "tool". I find this method very stressful and dull. Most importantly, it often isn't very creative!
Everyone wants a big house, an attractive partner, lots of money, healthy relationships and so on. These things already exist out there in the world, there is no need to create them!

Alternatively, conscious creation can be used to give things, as well!
I consciously created this blog. I determined that my intention was to create an inspirational and helpful blog about freedom, and this is the result! Do you think I could have created this blog without an intention? I think this is highly unlikely.
Of course I am open to earning money with ads! That is why I put them there. It would be foolish to give something to the world and then close myself off to things flowing back to me. But "earning money" is not my intention for this blog. My intention is "inspiring and helping as many people as possible as much as possible".

Giving is an important step towards freedom. Come along with me on this journey to joy and peace!
Be free,

A bit about me...

Whew! Now that I got that ominous first post out of the way, let's get a bit more personal. I'm not a guru or an expert on self help, personal development or freedom! And neither is any other human being, as far as I can tell.

I know what I know because I read a lot and, most importantly, because I am alive. Since you are reading this, I am guessing the same is true for you ;-)
Now, we're all experts at living. Every single one of us comes from a long line of beings that survived, reproduced and died. All of these beings felt pain and pleasure, misery and happiness. There is, however, one quality that divides these beings into two groups:
Some were free and some were not.
Some lived their lives as they saw fit and some blindly followed convention.
Some were convinced someone else had "figured it all out", some laughed at the idea and lived a free life.

I am striving to accept my own inherent freedom.
I am not perfect and I am glad about it.
I do have quite a few interessting thoughts I'd like to share with you and that is the purpose of this blog.

Be free,

Love, love, love!

In every New Age book, you'll find it. It has many definitions. It can be as real as sex, or as abstract as platonic love! I prefer a more New Agey definition:

Love equals unconditional Acceptance

I aim to show you that this somewhat esoteric definition is the key to freedom!

Think about it, who doesn't love freedom? Sure, some people may be in favor of restricting freedom, but when it comes to themselves, it is hard to think of anyone who would give freedom up willingly.

Or is it?
What about the freedom to be yourself? The most basic of freedoms!
Billions of humans give this freedom up every singe day!

They do it when they blame peer pressure, social conventions or some guru for their actions.
They do it when they do not do what they want, but what is expected of them.
They do it every time they prefer validation over freedom!

And why do they do this?
Because they do not accept themselves unconditionally!
They need other people to love them, because they do not love themselves.

Be free,