Samstag, 14. April 2007

A bit about me...

Whew! Now that I got that ominous first post out of the way, let's get a bit more personal. I'm not a guru or an expert on self help, personal development or freedom! And neither is any other human being, as far as I can tell.

I know what I know because I read a lot and, most importantly, because I am alive. Since you are reading this, I am guessing the same is true for you ;-)
Now, we're all experts at living. Every single one of us comes from a long line of beings that survived, reproduced and died. All of these beings felt pain and pleasure, misery and happiness. There is, however, one quality that divides these beings into two groups:
Some were free and some were not.
Some lived their lives as they saw fit and some blindly followed convention.
Some were convinced someone else had "figured it all out", some laughed at the idea and lived a free life.

I am striving to accept my own inherent freedom.
I am not perfect and I am glad about it.
I do have quite a few interessting thoughts I'd like to share with you and that is the purpose of this blog.

Be free,