Samstag, 14. April 2007

Love, love, love!

In every New Age book, you'll find it. It has many definitions. It can be as real as sex, or as abstract as platonic love! I prefer a more New Agey definition:

Love equals unconditional Acceptance

I aim to show you that this somewhat esoteric definition is the key to freedom!

Think about it, who doesn't love freedom? Sure, some people may be in favor of restricting freedom, but when it comes to themselves, it is hard to think of anyone who would give freedom up willingly.

Or is it?
What about the freedom to be yourself? The most basic of freedoms!
Billions of humans give this freedom up every singe day!

They do it when they blame peer pressure, social conventions or some guru for their actions.
They do it when they do not do what they want, but what is expected of them.
They do it every time they prefer validation over freedom!

And why do they do this?
Because they do not accept themselves unconditionally!
They need other people to love them, because they do not love themselves.

Be free,